TC Kiwanis has slide program
beautiful things on this continent, over
171 miles of mountains, lakes, streams
and wilflerness are accessible by many
foot trails," Father Raymond C. Mulka,
pastor of St. Francis parish told
Kiwanis of Traverse City members
Father Mulka, who takes pictures
while traveling the foot trails in the
Canadian Rockies, continued his
colored slide presentation at" the
luncheon meeting by saying that those
"most beautiful things" are "things
created by God — not by man. It's there
because the finger of God touched it.
It's magnificent."
Harry Dorman and Mike Reid appointed
the club's Radio Auction teams
during the business session.
Bob Buriai. program chairman for
May, announced the following upcoming
programs: May 3, Osteopathic
Hospital; May 10, World of Magic; and
May 17, Michigan Week.
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