Local Kiwanis Go to Convention
The Kiwanis Club of Traverse City will be represented at the 1949 convention of the Michigan Kiwanis District to be held August 28 to 31 at Detroit, Club President George Hoek said today. More than 100 clubs in the district, which embraces 7,000 business and professional leaders, are expected to send delegates to the three-day meeting, Hoek said.
The speaking program will feature the appearance of Lee F. Campbell, prominent Middlesboro, Ky., merchant and treasurer of Kiwanis International. Walter J. L. Ray, Detroit banker and a trustee of the community service organization, and Ben Dean, Grand Rapids advertising executive and a past international president, also will participate.
Dr. Clarence M. Loesell, professor at Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti and governor of the Michigan Kiwanis District, will preside at the convention which will highlight committee conferences, a discussion of plans for the coming year, and election of officers.
Campbell, who will serve as the official representative of Kiwanis International at the convention, is widely-known in southern merchandising circles. He is a former president of the Middlesboro Chamber of Commerce and a member of the board of trustees of Lincoln Memorial University at Harrogate. Tenn., where he formerly served on the faculty.
Delegates who will represent the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City at the convention include President Hoek, Vice-president Robert Detwiler and Secretary Frank Sadle.
Record Eagle, page 14, Thursday, August 25, 1949
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