Thursday, December 11, 2014

New Club Officers in 1961

Newpaper via Traverse Area District Library database
Originally appeared in the Traverse City Record Eagle - 10 January 1961

Monday, December 8, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Membership Trends

Kiwanis Club of Traverse City, Michigan
Recent Membership Trends

(Compiled from Club Rosters by Clare Burns, December 2014)

Total Membership
# of Perfect
Percent of Membership
23 %
26 %



22 %

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


A picture with the following caption appeared in the January 10, 1961 Record Eagle:

NEW KIWANIS OFFICERS — Traverse City Kiwanis installed new officers Monday noon at their regular luncheon program. Lt. Governor Robert Gershenow, Division 14, Cadillac, was the installing officer. Left to right in this picture of the new officers are Douglas Wynkoop, secretary-treasurer; Donald Ellis, 2nd
vice-president; Jack Votey, president; Garland House, retiring president; Dr. Douglas Frantz, 1st vice-president; and Lt. Governor Gershenow. Newly elected directors are Charles Rinehart and Wendell Kitchen.

Programs - April 1976

TC Kiwanis has slide program

beautiful things on this continent, over
171 miles of mountains, lakes, streams
and wilflerness are accessible by many
foot trails," Father Raymond C. Mulka,
pastor of St. Francis parish told
Kiwanis of Traverse City members

Father Mulka, who takes pictures
while traveling the foot trails in the
Canadian Rockies, continued his
colored slide presentation at" the
luncheon meeting by saying that those
"most beautiful things" are "things
created by God — not by man. It's there
because the finger of God touched it.
It's magnificent."

Harry Dorman and Mike Reid appointed
the club's Radio Auction teams
during the business session.
Bob Buriai. program chairman for
May, announced the following upcoming
programs: May 3, Osteopathic
Hospital; May 10, World of Magic; and
May 17, Michigan Week.

Organ Concert - October 12, 1970

An Evening of Organ Variety
with artist
On the Wurlitzer Organ
Sponsored by the
Traverse City Central School Auditorium
Monday, Oct. 12, 1970; 8:00 p.m.
Adults $1.50

Colorful music requires, first of all, a colorful musician.
Famed British organist Al Bollington is a real
keyboard soldier of fortune. His light-fingered virtuosity
has been roundly applauded at such disassociated
but fascinating locations as the London College of
Music, trans-Atlantic steamships, British and Canadian
theatres, and even in an R.A.F. mess hall, where he
practiced Bach fugues in flight boots and gloves, ready
for his day-to-day combat flight duty during World
War II.

Bollington discovered the amazing versatility and sound
of the electronic organ for the first time when he played
"Peter Grimes" with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.
He is extremely impressed with the plug-in musical
marvel, and has studied the instrument exhaustively.
Since the war, Bollington has been Canada's top theatre
organist and has done countless TV shows, concerts,
and made a name for himself as an organ arranger, recitalist,
and instructor here in the United States.

The public is cordially invited to attend the concert
which will be held at Traverse City Central School
Auditorium on Oct. 12, 1970, under the sponsorship of
Grand Traverse Bay Kiwanis.

Tickets are available from any Kiwanis member.

Newspaper Archive and TADL
Click here

Yule Projects for Kiwanis - November 30, 1965

Yule Projects for Kiwanis

Traverse Cit y Kiwanis Club
today announced plans for two
traditional Christmas season
projects of the service organization

• On Friday. December 3, from
9 a.m. until 9 p.m. members of
the club will man Salvation
Army Kettles in downtown Traverse
City, a yearly project in
which other community organizations
also take part.

At 7:30 p.m. on December 15.
the Kiwanis group will stage a
Christmas party - at Traverse
City State Hospital for some
boys and girls at the institu-
tion. Gifts, music, entertainment,
and refreshments will be provided
by the club for the party.

The holiday event schedule
was announced to club members
at a regular luncheon session
Monday noon at Shield's restaurant
at which John Feiker showed
color slides and commented
on a 15,000-mile European trip
this summer by the Feiker familv.

Boy's and Girl's State - 1964

Youth Delegates Speak to Kiwanis
Traverse City Kiwanis •
Club sponsored
delegates to 1964 Wolverine
Boys' and Girls' State
sessions were speakers at Monday's
luncheon meeting of the Club
club at Shield's.

The four delegates were Bill
Mikowski and Marlene Bugai of
St. Francis high school and
Steve Bursian and Norma Bailey
of Senior high school.

The speakers said they
learned much about government
in the two "states", at East Lansing
for boys and Ann Arbor
for girls, and commented that
their sessions were sometimes
hectic and noisy like some at
the recent national conventions
of the Republican and Democratic

Dr. Charles Keliey was program
chairman Monday. It was
announced that Kiwanians and
their families will be guests of
Scenic Trails Boy Scout Council
at Camp Creilick for a family type
program at G:30 p.m. next

Dictionary Project - 2012

Wade Van Houzen, of the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City, presents dictionaries
to Grand Traverse Academy principal Kerri Ferris Tuesday at the school. The
Traverse City Kiwanis Club recently distributed more than 1,200 dictionaries to
third graders at 21 area elementary schools. This is the sixth year the Kiwanis
Club of Traverse City has handed out free dictionaries to students. The project is
made possible by a grant from the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City Foundation.

Click here for picture and story.

Boy Scouts Post

In an ad celebrating Boys Scout Week on February 7 - 13, 1970, the Club was recognized in sponsoring Boy Scouts Explorer Post #231 .

1988 Kiwanis Officers

From the Club Scrapbook

Kids Against Hunger - 2006

Dave Camp recognizes the tremendous effort of our joint
Community Service Project of Kids Against Hunger in 2006. The project continues ...

Community Service: Bell Ringing

Emi King and children and Raquel Paulus doing Community Service 
for the Salvation Army and Holiday Bell Ringing - year ?
The Club has done this for many years.

Maaburg Hixon Award - 2006

from the Kiwanis Scrapbook

Kiwanis Beach Bums Nite - Summer 2014

Secretary and Division Lt. Gov. Gary Carlson with wife Sue with two prospective members at the Second Annual Kiwanis Night at the Beach Bums in Summer 2014.

Community Service: NMC BBQ

For many years, Kiwanians have been helping with the NMC BBQ. Here is member Anita Carlson in 2014 helping to serve over 10,000 people.

Award for Flag Project

Wade Van Houzen and Joseph Conger presentation to the Club of the Sons of the American Revolution Certificate on October 28, 2014 in recognition of the Kiwanis Flag Project.

Dictionary Project

One of the long term projects of the Club is to provide dictionaries to all third grader each fall. In 2014, here is a picture of the dictionaries arriving to us.

Wiliford and teaching pictures

Matt Wiliford, Club President in 2017, as Communication Chair, giving a demonstration to the Club of how to take pictures of activities and events on their mobile phones. 2014.

Community Service: Raking

For many years we have been raking leaves for the Women's Resource Center.  Not sure from what year this is but it is sometime between 2006 - 2014.

International President Addresses Club - 1959


Kenneth B. Loheed, Toronto, Ontario,
businessman, and president of Kiwanis
International, will visit the
Kiwanis Club of Traverse City,
Monday, May 18, it was announced
today by Ray Richardson, president
of the local Kiwanis group.

While in Traverse City, Loheed
will address Kiwanis clubs from
Michigan divisions 12. 13, 14 and
15 at the St. Francis auditorium
at a 7:00 p.m. banquet, with the
Traverse City Kiwanis Club as
its hosts. Loheed will speak on
"Individual Responsibility."

Mrs. Loheed will be guest of honor at this
banquet. Michigan district Kiwanis
Governor Sidney Main will introduce
the International President
and Frank 0. Staiger, Michigan
District secretary, will lead the
in singing. The toastmaster will be
the Rev Donn Doten.

Record Eagle, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1959
Newspaper Archive and TADL
Click here for picture and story.

11th Annual Travel Series

Tuesday, October 14, 1958, Front Page

Kiwanis Plans llth Annual Travel Series

All Kiwanis club members of Traverse City , are currently selling tickets' for the llth annual
Travel and Adventure series which opens Nov. 3 with "Europe's Toy -Countries," to be given by
Nicol Smith.

Season tickets will again be $5 for adults, and $2 for students for a total of six lectures.

More - click here
Record Eagle - Newspaper Archive & TADL

Club Sponsors Dental Clinic in 1953

Club Sponsors Dental Clinic

In an effort to reduce the amount
of tooth decay by the use of flouride
applications, a continuing preventive
dental program has been
organized to serve Grand Traverse
and Leelanau counties. It has been
developed under the sponsorship
of the Kiwanis Club of Traverse
City with the cooperation of the
Grand Traverse-Leelanau Health
department, local dentists, the
schools and the Michigan Department
of Health.

This summer treatments will be
available in Traverse City and also
at' several locations in the two
I counties where there are 75 or
! more children to be treated. The
treatments are offered on a low
fee basis of $4.00 per child, payable
before April 24, 1953.

Treatment includes four visits
within a two week period; a cleansing
and four applications of fluoride.
The fluoride treatment will
reduce the numbers of new cavities
by 40 per cent in a group of
children. Cards will be given out
at the schools and these should
be signed and returned at once.

Record Eagle, Friday, April 3, 1953
Click here - Newspaper Archive and TADL

1949 Kiwanis District Convention

Local Kiwanis Go to Convention

The Kiwanis Club of Traverse City will be represented at the 1949 convention of the Michigan Kiwanis District to be held August 28 to 31 at Detroit, Club President George Hoek said today. More than 100 clubs in the district, which embraces 7,000 business and professional leaders, are expected to send delegates to the three-day meeting, Hoek said.

The speaking program will feature the appearance of Lee F. Campbell, prominent Middlesboro, Ky., merchant and treasurer of Kiwanis International. Walter J. L. Ray, Detroit banker and a trustee of the community service organization, and Ben Dean, Grand Rapids advertising executive and a past international president, also will participate.

Dr. Clarence M. Loesell, professor at Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti and governor of the Michigan Kiwanis District, will preside at the convention which will highlight committee conferences, a discussion of plans for the coming year, and election of officers.

Campbell, who will serve as the official representative of Kiwanis International at the convention, is widely-known in southern merchandising circles. He is a former president of the Middlesboro Chamber of Commerce and a member of the board of trustees of Lincoln Memorial University at Harrogate. Tenn., where he formerly served on the faculty.

Delegates who will represent the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City at the convention include President Hoek, Vice-president Robert Detwiler and Secretary Frank Sadle.

Record Eagle, page 14, Thursday, August 25, 1949

Click here - Newspaper Archive and TADL

Travel and Adventure Series

There was an ad in the Thursday, September 16, 1948 announcing the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City
a season ticket for the Second of the Travel and Adventure Series held that year.

The season included:
October 26 - Julian Gromer - The Shores of Lake Michigan
November 8 - Thayer Soul - The Canadian Rockies
December 7 - Cleveland Grant - Big Game in  High Country
January 24 - Oscar Perrine - Colorful Death Valley
February 7 - Carl Robinson - China Story
March 21 - Burton Holmes - Sunny Ireland

Season Tickets : $4.00 inc. federal tax from any Kiwanis Member

Source - Click here

1962 article - Click here

Church Page

The Club on December 24, 1943 was one of the sponsors of the Church Page in The Record Eagle with an ad "Attend Church This Sunday"

Newspaper Archive & Traverse Area District Library - click here

Kiwanis Radio Auction

Thursday, Mav 27. 1976 The Record-Eagle. Traverse City, Mich. 49684

From a full page ad in the Traverse City Record Eagle
May 27, 1976

Phone in your bid after 8 A.M. on Sat., May 29 ... Call 947-3220
Item Number—Item and Donor

No. 171—Square D Smoke and
ELECTRIC, 539 West Front Street,
Traverse City.. $37.50

No. 172—Nautical Table lamp:
HARBOR WEST, 12917 West Bay
Shore, Traverse City ... $75.00

No. -173—Maple Boston Rocker:
Union Street Traverse City .. $79.00


No. ,177—Statue: Bust of
Beethoven. ROSE MARIE'S
Street, Traverse City, Retail Value  $70.00

No. 178—Recliner Choir.
South, Traverse City ..$ 149.95

No. 179—Card Table:Samsonite 40 inches, round.
South, Traverse City ... $35.00

full picture of paper from Newspaper Archive and Traverse Area District Library
click here

Raquel Remembers

Hey Dave,

When I read your email this weekend, I immediately thought of this picture of “Claire” – haha!

Obviously it was when we were still at the Holiday Inn, but I can’t remember the exact details.  Something about passing purses around instead of the k-box.  For a specific project.  I’m sure he remembers!!

Raquel Paulus
83rd Club President

Wade Remembers

I have fond memories of volunteering at the Kiwanis / Record Eagle Ski & Snowboard School over the years.  Helping children learn to ski or snowboard.   Picking them up when they fall and cheering them on!
The Kiwanis Club Ski School not only provides this great service to our community but donates nearly all of the proceeds annually to Mt. Holiday.   Attached is a picture of the 2014 donation to Mt. Holiday of $4,000.

I have very fond memories of starting and working on the Kiwanis Flag Project in 2014.   This was a brand new project/fund raiser for the club.   Many of the Kiwanis members volunteered to make this project a success.   I have great memories of building the flag poles with Jim Massaroni, Greg Weber, Bob Blackmere, & Jim Harris.  (see pictures)   I also enjoyed planting & harvesting the flags during the 4 national holidays with my fellow Kiwanians and their family members.    I remember many times that during our time putting up the flags that people would honk their car horn as they drove by supporting us or stop by and thank us for this is project.  This was a great group effort that provided a strong showing of our club’s and community’s patriotism to our Country and our Veterans.  


Wade Van Houzen
91st Club President: 2014/2015

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ken Remembers ...

When I joined Kiwanis in 1982, we had a song leader, Ken Jewel ( he previously had a famous choral group in Detroit, who really got a lot of good songs at every meeting. He used to stop us and say: "your sing like a bunch of old ladies" (that was before women were in the club). It is my opinion that letting women join the club is one of the best decisions that Kiwanis International has made. The hit the deck running and have participated at all levels of activity.

The Radio Auction was fun and a good fund raiser. At the first auction that I worked on, Paul Niles brought in 76 items and I wondered how anyone could get that many. Well, I found out that you just had to make the calls. On the actual auction day,club members had two hour time periods to answer the six phones located in the WLDR radio studio (Kiwanian, Don Wiitala, owned the station) or other activities such as calling the high bidders at the end of the day.. I enjoyed it so much that I worked the whole day.

During the winter months, the club sponsored a travel show, which covered many parts of the world. It was held in Lars Hoxsted Auditorium. The speakers had good pictures of a particular area and the events had good attendance.

For a long while, club members would provide transportation for seniors living in a number of apartments and condos. That transportation may have been dropped because of the liability for the drivers. Towards the end, the event became more of a community service than a fund raiser.

from Ken Wyckoff, via email
1 December 2-14