Friday, November 28, 2014

Timeline of Highlights - A Work in Progress

Here is a free flowing history by year of the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City, Michigan. The Club is a member of Kiwanis International.

1926 - November 26: Club is Chartered by Kiwanis Club International

1930 - Member William Chapman serves as Michigan District Governor

1938 - Member Galdwin Lewis serves as Michigan District Governor

1953 - Member Ralph Keyes serves as Michigan District Governor

1962 - Member Harry Elsenheimer serves as Michigan District Governor

1974 - Club launches Auction as fundraiser. Began as a radio auction then moved to internet auction.

1983 - Member Arnie Sayra serves as Michigan District Governor

1988 - Women accepted into membership of Kiwanis International

1999 - Member Bob Page serves as Michigan District Governor

2008 - Member Clare Burns serves as Michigan District Governor

2013 - Spring: Member Gary Carlson elected Lt. Governor of Division. He does a second term.

2013 - Women celebrate the 25th Anniversary of membership in Kiwanis

2014 - Club launches Flag Project as main fundraiser. Idea given to the Club by the Kiwanis Club in Jackson, MI.

2014 - Club celebrates 90 years of service.

Perfect Attendance

Dr. Arnie Sarya in 2011 achieved 51 years of perfect attendance prior to his passing. Avid community leader, Christian, Finlander, and Kiwanian, Arnie also served as Michigan District Governor in 1983.

In 2013-2014 others recognized for longevity in perfect attendance were:

Michael Callahan - 30 years

Ken Wyckoff - 31 years

Clare Burns - 34 years. Served also as Michigan District Governor in 2008.

2012 Trick or Treat Key Club

The Grand Traverse Academy Key Club was recognized in 2012 for its participation in the Trick or Treat event by Key Clubs of Kiwanis International.

2009 Key Club Kids Against Hunger Grant

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund helps Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world through grants for service opportunities.

In 2009, the Traverse City Central High School Key Club, Traverse City, Michigan, Kids Against Hunger, received $1,000 for this worthy project.

2015 Kiwanis Record Eagle Ski School

The Kiwanis Club and the Record Eagle continue their long standing tradition of teaching children to ski and now snowboarding. Kiwanis volunteers have been helping children in this community since 1926.

Patriotic Pride - Kiwanis Flag Project

Photo by Matt Wiliford -
Wade Van Houzen, Kiwanis Flag Project Chairperson and Club President Elect for 2014-15, plants flags in Traverse City last week in preparation for Memorial Day.

Published: Monday, May 26, 2014: Grand Traverse Insider

Kiwanis Club launches flag project

TRAVERSE CITY – There is nothing more inspiring than a field of American flags displayed for a holiday to make one feel patriotic.

The Kiwanis Club of Traverse City is embarking on a new fundraising project to underwrite its mission to serve children and the community throughout the region.

The Kiwanis Flag Project has launched by approaching community businesses to subscribe to having a flag displayed in specific locations during four national holidays during the late spring and summer months.

“We have had a great response from area business in subscribing to our flag project,” said Liz Sayre-King, president of the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City.

“Each subscription sponsors a flag to be displayed on Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. Kiwanians do all the setup, storage and maintenance of the flags … the businesses just subscribe.”

More - click below

Patriotic Pride - Grand Traverse Insider - Morning Star Publishing

‘Good Deeds, Good Deals’ - 38th Annual Auction - 2012

Published: Wednesday, May 02, 2012: Grand Traverse Insider

Kiwanians set to launch 38th Annual Auction Fundraiser

TRAVERSE CITY –– The Kiwanis Club of Traverse City will host its 38th Annual (online) Auction, which will open on Saturday, May 5 and close by item category on Tuesday, May 29 beginning at 6 p.m.

Each year, hundreds of local businesses donate a wide variety of merchandise, services and gift certificates in support of the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City’s most important fundraiser of the year. Net proceeds from the auction provide funding for local Kiwanis projects that help and support the children in the community.

Individuals are encouraged to visit the auction website ( to register for bidding and then visit often to review and bid on the items listed. New items will continue to be added to the website through the close of the auction on May 29.

The Kiwanis Club of Traverse City uses the net proceeds of this auction locally to focus on its mission to “Serve the Children.”

Featured annual projects include: Kiwanis Ski School, Kiwanis Middle School Track Meet, Kiwanis Dictionary Program for third graders in Grand Traverse County, Kids Against Hunger – Kiwanis Student of the Month, Scholarship Essay Contest, sponsorship of Key Club and K-Kids at several area schools, Special Olympics events, Highway Clean-up, and many other local volunteer initiatives.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mike Remembers ...

 I love being a Kiwanian because it allows me/us to help the youth of the community to develop into solid citizens and the leaders of tomorrow.

     There are two projects which I am most proud of and have been intimately involved in for the past 20 years:  the Kiwanis Student of the Month Program which has expanded from 2 high schools to 8 area high schools and our sponsored leadership program which has expanded from 1 school to 6 schools.  It is great to recognize the accomplishments and achievements of some of the best students/youth in our area and to encourage them to go on to be the leaders of tomorrow through the Student of the Month Program.

   Our sponsored leadership programs have excelled beyond expectations. The TC Central Key Club petitioned our noon club and all the other Kiwanis Clubs in Traverse City to help in sponsoring the now annual (2014 was our 8th) Kids Against Hunger Project which involves fundraising then packaging food for needy souls around the world and in our own community.  The Saint Francis Key Club began the monthly, now weekly Glad Meals for the homeless soon after their chartering in 2003.  A few years later they started the annual Katie Heintz Pediatric Oncology fundraiser for Munson Hospital in honor of Katie.  To date they have raised almost $100,000 for this project.  The potential for our sponsored leadership clubs is unlimited, they are our future and we can be proud that we are giving them that opportunity.

Attached are photos of the Kids Against Hunger food packaging line and one of our Kiwanis Katie Heintz basketball teams.

Mike Maasberg
Member of the Kiwanis Club of Traverse City since 1993.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Greetings from our district governor

Rebekah D. Hildreth
Michigan District of Kiwanis
2014-2015 Governor
A letter of greeting from the Kiwanis of Michigan District Governor celebrating our Club's 90th year of service. She writes ...

As Governor of the Michigan District of Kiwanis International, it is my pleasure to extend greetings to the Traverse City Kiwanis Club on the occasion of your 90th anniversary of charter.

Thank you for your continued investment in our community and your constant efforts to enhance the quality of life for the children around the world.

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